Description of habitat in Kedrodasos
The priority habitat 2250* in Kedrodasos covers a total area of 110 m2. The maritime juniper Juniperus oxycedrus subsp. macrocarpa, the Phoenicean Juniper Juniperus phoenicea as well as Ceratonia siliqua (Carob tree) represents the mature ecosystem on the outer dunes. Other common species which can be found in Kedrodasos are Coridothymus capitatus (Thyme), Pistacia lentiscus (mastic tree), Anthyllis hermanniae and the endemic species of Crete Verbascum spinosum.
Other important species found in kedrodasos are:
- Mandragora autumnalis, protected by the Convention of Bern
- Nigella stricta, protected by the Greek Presidential Decree 67/1981 and considered as Rare in Greece according to IUCN 1997
- Centaurea pumilio, protected by the Greek Presidential Decree 67/1981 and considered as Rare in Greece according to IUCN 1997
Map of habitat 2250* in Kedodasos (as mapped from Greek NATURA 2000 network)
Map of habitat 2250* in Kedodasos (as mapped from Junicoast project)