Stakeholders Committee
JUNICOAST seeks the establishment of the stakeholder committee to enable the long term management and sustainability of the project outcomes and to reduce potential expected constraints and risks related to the project implementation. Following a stakeholder analysis the following authorities have been invited to join the stakeholder committee: The first stakeholder workshop was carried out on the 25th of Feburary 2009 just one month after the initiation of the project. Participants were presented the JUNICOAST project and asked to contribute their views as well as intention to collaborate for the long term sustainability of project outcomes. The stakeholder committee will be updated on a regular basis regarding the progress of the project as well as will meet four times throughout the project duration.
Μeetings of Skakeholder Committee:
1st Stakeholder Committee Meeting, Chania, 25 February 2009
2nd Stakeholder Committee Meeting, Chania, 22 October 2010, Μinutes
3rd Stakeholder Committee Meeting, Forest Directorate of Chania, 29 March 2013, Minutes