D.3: Environmental education campaign
The purpose of this action is to carry out an environmental education campaign aimed at increasing the public’s environmental knowledge to enhance people’s values of habitat and to promote participation in their management. It targets multiple stakeholders, general public of different ages, decision makers and local communities. It engages community teachers as well as tourism representatives. The details of the education campaign will be refined through the stakeholder consultation action (A.6) and will be carried out in conjunction and making use of material from action D.1. This education campaign will consist of the following activities:
- Undertake a one day workshop for instructors of environmental education programs (teachers in primary and secondary schools, as well as other educational groups such as scouts, guides etc). The workshop will take place during the first six months of the project and will provide information on the habitat and educational opportunities and methods on Natura 2000 sites. Moreover, it will aim to achieve exchange of experience and the creation of an educational network. The workshop will also aim at obtaining and planning participation in future education campaign activities.
- Student weeks (1week/year) school visits to the MAICh exhibition centre and botanical garden including slide presentations, educational games, tours of the botanical garden and herbarium. Moreover, students will be shown the process of ex situ conservation (actions C.8 and D.1).
- Local events (9) in local municipalities of sites in Crete and South Aegean in collaboration with school teachers, NGOs, local authorities. These events will consist of guided visits to sites, where activities such as litter collection will be undertaken (learning by doing) and a community pledge to protect the habitats made. This action is aimed at raising awareness and a sense of ownership and pride for the sites (actions C.2 and D.1).
- A workshop with tourism representatives (1 per year, 4 in total). A workshop will be held annually with tourism representatives, (Greek hoteliers association and travel agents associations, tour operators, Greek national tourism organization, eco tourism networks etc) where information will be disseminated and discussions held regarding actions which could be taken to minimize the impact of tourism in these habitats. A network and cross sharing of experiences will be established.
Teacher’s guide for coastal dunes with Junipers
A tiny grain of sand that lives at the bottom of the sea is carried away by a big wave into the coast. Before it understands what’s going on, a strong wind blows it into a new and unknown world …
If you want to read the whole story, please contact us at the following e-mail [email protected] or call us at 2821035000 ex. 577 and 578 and we’ll send you a free copy of the illustrated, educational fairytale “The journey of a grain of sand at the coastal dunes with Junipers”.(in Greek)